An article by Denise Ruggiero
The working environment is one of the aspects that most influences worker productivity and their sense of belonging to the company because a satisfied worker will have less interest in seeking better working conditions. The company must be concerned and committed to meeting the needs of workers in a way that makes them fulfilled and productive. A happy worker will hardly leave his job and this is of paramount importance for the company as it avoids high turnover.
In addition to providing indispensable tools for the worker (computers, printers, etc.), the company should also pay attention to other elements such as the functionality of the internet connection and the lighting of the room, which is very important for the worker’s health.
Here are some tips on how to make the office a stimulating environment for the worker and increase his or her performance.
The benefit of the art
Business and art are two distinct realities in that art is a form of expression and communication of human creativity and inventiveness, while business is a collection of people whose objective is the production and sale of goods and services with an economic purpose. Art is emotivity while business is rationality.
More productivity
Incorporating art into the company would create a stimulus for the worker to enhance his creativity and motivation and consequently increase his productivity.
By thinking in an ‘artistic’ way, the worker will be able to open up to other visions and give a new perspective to problems by finding innovative solutions.
More interaction
The presence of art in the company will lead to greater interaction between colleagues who will discuss the works of art, expressing their views and the emotions they arouse.
Stress relief
Contemplating a painting during a break will become for the employee a pleasant distraction from work and a moment of relaxation marked by a reduction in the stress and tension that marks the work routine.
Art can be representative of the company’s values; the customer entering could grasp the company’s objectives, attitude, and way of thinking.
The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore conducted a study in companies with art collections and the results showed that companies with at least one collection perform better economically and financially than those without.
Art, therefore, helps workers’ quality of life by providing new stimuli that increase concentration and creativity and collaterally decrease stress.
The importance of colours in the company
The use of colours in the office is crucial for several reasons, affecting both the psychophysical well-being of the employee and the company’s brand identity.
The choice of colours should be made in consideration of two factors: what the company wants to communicate; what emotions it wants to transfer to the employee.
Lighting plays an important role in the choice of colours, as bright, vivid colours are needed for rooms with little light, while darker shades can be chosen for well-lit rooms.
The perception of colours and the emotions they generate change from individual to individual as they are subjective, which is different for warm colours and cold colours that we can define as universal.
Warm colours (e.g. orange, red, yellow) convey emotions such as warmth, enerandgy, and positivity but also feelings of impetuosity and aggressiveness.
While cold colours (e.g. blue, green, violet) emanate calmness, and professionalism, in the long run could turn into boredom and indifference if used excessively.
Black, white, grey and brown are recognised as neutral colours but in reality, their use makes the environment very meaningful.
On the other hand, colours that are not recommended are those with shades that are too dark because they make the environment very calm and induce tiredness or, conversely, colours that are too bright because they arouse excitement or feelings of aggression and anxiety.
Plants: source of well-being
Another element that should not be missing in work environments to give ‘breathing space’ is the presence of plants. In addition to the aesthetic aspect, as they are perfect furnishing complements to make the environment welcoming, they act on the worker’s well-being by decreasing stress and increasing concentration.
Plants purify the air by absorbing allergens, regulating the humidity, and making the air less dry. Plants also lower the temperature of the room, thus decreasing the energy consumption associated with switching on the air conditioner.
The 2010 UTS study conducted a survey on the benefits of plants which showed that there is: a reduction in stress (37%); a reduction in hostility in the office (44%); a reduction in chronic fatigue (40%); a reduction in depression (58%).
The colour green in fact has among its benefits that of calming, increasing concentration and attention, and has also been shown to improve reading and comprehension skills.
Heare are some examples of office plants
Succulent plants such as aloe and cactus are ideal for desks because: they are small in size; they need little care.
Bamboo and lemon balm are good for stress reduction due to their relaxing effect.
A plant widely used in the office is Phatos, which among its benefits has that of purifying the air by absorbing harmful substances.
Denise Ruggiero
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